The Friends of Eaglesfield Park are a group of local people who love Eaglesfield Park open space. We want the park to continue as a space for the community to come together and take advantage of the clean air on the hill.
Raising funds for new playground
The current playground has grown tired and is in much need of refurbishment. We agreed to pursue a number of funders including the Greenwich Neighbourhood Growth Fund, The Marathon Trust and Asda to name just a few.
Playground design
We approached a total of 4 companies. 3 of those 4 responded. We met with each company and we have been provided with initial designs. There will be a consultation process to choose a final design.
Public Campaign
We want to involve as much of the community as possible in choosing the best playground design. Our first priority is to let the local community know what we are doing and how they can get involved in the campaign to raise money to refurbish the playground.
Pond Clearing and Bird Boxes
Unfortunately, the planned autumn pond clearing had to be cancelled. The new date is Sunday 19th January 2020, 9 am to 2 pm.